OpenCV dnn module walkthrough 2: layers – the base class
OpenCV dnn module walkthrough 1: background, important files and classes
DCGAN Summary and Experiments
ResNet: annotated version
Various SGDs
Really understand VAE
Preparing 3D building data from CityGML for machine learning projects
Distributed Stochastic Gradient Descent with MPI and PyTorch
重读 hierarchical attention network for document classification
2D convolution with tiling technique on GPU
Understanding GRUs
pointnet 论文理解
Writing Python tests: doctest, unittest, pytest
Using ROS with Conda
Two approaches for logistic regression
Encoding categorical features: likelihood, one-hot, and feature selection
Probability, statistics, frequentist and Bayesian
Machine Learning in Spark
Recommendation System: Matrix Factorization
Three types of gradient descent
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