(This is a restoration of a previous post hosted on Wordpress. Hyperlinks might be missing and formatting might be a bit messy.)

Reference - Notes from this blog: https://machinelearningmastery.com/gentle-introduction-mini-batch-gradient-descent-configure-batch-size/

Three types are : batch gradient descent, stochastic gradient descent, mini-batch gradient descent

Batch gradient descent

During one epoch, evaluate error for one sample at a time. But update model only after evaluating all errors in the training set


Calculation of prediction errors and the model update are seperated. Thus the algorithm can use parallel processing based implementations. Cons:

Need to have all data in memory The more stable error gradient may result in premature convergence of the model to a less optimal set of parameters. Algo:

Model.initialize() For i in n_epoches: training_data.shuffle X, Y = split(training_data) For x in X Y_pred = model(X) # get a vector error = get_error(Y_pred, Y) error_sum += error model.update(error_sum) Stochastic gradient descent

During one epoch, evaluate error for one sample at a time, then update model immediate after that evaluation.


immediate feedback of model performance and improvement rate simple to implement frequent update – faster learning rate The noisy update process can allow the model to avoid local minima (e.g. premature convergence). Cons;

frequent update - computationally extensive add a noise parameter / gradient signal, causing the parameters to jump around Hard to settle to an error minimum Algo

Model.initialize() For i in n_epoches: training_data.shuffle X, Y = split(training_data) for each x in X Y_pred = model(X) error = get_error(Y_pred, Y) model.update()

Mini batch gradient descent

During one epoch, split the data into batches (which adds a batch size parameter). Then for each batch, evaluate error for one sample at a time. Update the model after evaluating for all data in one batches. Repeat for different batches. Repeat for different epoch.


more robust converge to local minima, compared to stochastic gradient descent frequent update – faster learning rate, compared to batch gradient descent efficiency: no need to have all data in memory Cons;

configuration of an additional mini-batch parameter Algo

Model.initialize() For i in n_epoches: training_data.shuffle Data.split.batches For j in n_batches X, Y = split(batch_data) For x in X: Y_pred = model(X) # here a vector error = get_error(Y_pred, Y) error_sum += error model.update()